
Reasons Why Datamine Shouldn’t be Sanctioned – We Got A Lot!

So, you think datamining your favorite game is good for you, and that every game should legalize and actively promote datamining, right? You've never been...

The Witcher 3: Gwent Tracking-It-Yourself

If you're a collector in The Witcher 3's Gwent card game, you're in luck. But if you're also a completionist, then you're no longer...

Apex Legends Caustic Buff: Noxious Enough for You?

Today, we lay the matter to rest, once and for all, as we discuss whether the Apex Legends Caustic Buff makes much of a...

The Fortnite “IT’S FREE” Formula Explained

Due to Fortnite’s massive success, it seems like every game studio is taking notes. One thing that shocked players and developers alike is the...

Lifeline Apex Legends Quotes Compendium

In truth, the Lifeline Apex Legends Quotes have already taken the world by storm and have garnered new meaning, both on and off the...

Apex Legends New 16 GB Patch is the Shock of Your...

We actually meant it in a positive way, like how using a defibrillator saves lives... in a shocking way! As Michael O'Hara would say,...

The Apex Legends Source Engine Isn’t Alien Tech

So, what's poppin' under the hood of this global phenomenon of a battle royale game? Are the developers using alien technology? Does that explain...

Do People Still Play Battlefield 4?

Battlefield games are known for their replayability. They’re timeless. Go back as far as Bad Company, and it still feels like a pretty modern...

Evo 2019: Here Comes A New Title!

Evo, also known as Evolution Championship Series, is an eSports event held annually in Las Vegas, Nevada with contestants coming from all reaches of...

Our Favorite Recurring Legend Of Zelda Characters

While Princess Zelda and Link have been the main Legend of Zelda characters, not enough love has been shown to recurring supporting characters in the series. Since...