Via: Youtube/Boss Fight Database

If you’re looking for the Soul of a Stray Demon, then you’re going to need to head to the bonfire at the Old Wolf of Farron. Consuming the Soul of a Stray Demon gets you 20,000 souls, but if you want to grab yourself a Havel’s Ring or Boulder Heave, then you could use the Soul of a Stray Demon to make those as well.

Via: Youtube/NamelessDreadx37x

Once you happen upon the Old Wolf of Farron, whom you can strike but not fight, you’ll see an elevator to the right. Though, who would be mean enough to strike a sleeping puppy?


Riding the elevator up will put you on a balcony. From there you want to the stairs on your right. You’ll come across a large open area rooftop where the Stray Demon lingers at the end. Battling the demon itself is an easy fight. Although, it’s not as fun as the Fire Demon who you can sick a mimic or skeletons on. Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can use to fight the Stray Demon for you. You just have to watch out for its clubbing attacks from its weapon and its tail. He can also try sitting on you, but it’s a slower animation that can easily be avoided. It’s best to stay on the Stray Demon’s behind as its tail attacks don’t look as brutal as its weapon attacks. You can also easily see its butt drop for an easy dodge.

Via: Youtube/Boss Fight Database
Via: Youtube/Boss Fight Database

Upon defeating the Stray Demon you’ll receive the Soul of a Stray Demon. Headed to the end of the rooftop will get you a greataxe as well. However, it’s suggested to grab a Havel’s Ring as you can use it to increase your max equip load by 15%. All-in-all, it’s one of the easiest demons to take out in the game.

Via: Youtube/Boss Fight Database

If you need more than just the 20,000 Souls won from the Stray Demon, and really, maybe 20,000 is just peanuts, then look to our Dark Souls 3 article on Souls of a Demon. If only there is more than just one Fire Demon, then maybe we will not be this hard up. You know what I mean?

Also, if you want to go further in your Dark Souls 3 gaming experience, why not modify it? Check out another guide on installing some really awesome mods!