
How Long Does it Take to Beat “The Last of Us”

Naughty Dog’s The Last Of Us is a cinematic action horror survival game that saw massive success when it was released on the PS3,...

E3 2019: What’s The Deal With Keanu Reeves?

Even if your online presence doesn’t span across multiple platforms, you most likely still caught wind of Keanu Reeve’s presence at E3 through one...

8 of the Best Switch-Exclusive RPGs in 2021

Since its release in early 2017, the Nintendo Switch has surpassed 100 million units sold. That’s no small number, and Nintendo continues to prove...

Two Things Fortnite Does Better Than PUBG

Fortnite Only Needs Two To Be The Superior Game Comparing video games to other video games has become a pastime for gamers everywhere on the...

Far Cry 6: Our Speculative Fangs for Hire Options

Open world games are amazing. What isn’t there to love about sprawling worlds with innumerable nooks and crannies to explore. It’s a gamer’s dream!...

Out with the Old, in with the Worse. PUBG Usurped!

There often is talk of China being the plagiarist of many things, including games. In this instance, China is not. PUBG safely made it...

League of Legends Player Count: They Are Millions!

Ever feel that there's not much of a wait time during the matchmaking sessions? Or that it feels like every 10th person you meet...

What is Far Cry 6 Based on & Everything We Know...

Back in July last year, we were treated to a reveal trailer, announcing that another Far Cry instalment is on its way. So you...

LGBT+ in Overwatch is Not “Pandering” – It’s “Panda-ing”

Over the past few years, gamers have started to get more vocal and irate over the idea of developers “pandering” to certain groups by...

Best Six Hitman 3 Quotes

The Hitman series has always had its own flavor of humor. Throughout his jet-setting adventures, Agent 47 has a penchant for delivering one-liners in...