
How are Game Design & Game Development Different?

Making the next GTA Vice City or Tekken 3 is something that many people dream of doing. Games are popular hobbies around the world....

There Are Many Educational Video and Online Games for Your Kid...

According to NewsChain, research shows that parents can help enhance their children's skills by having a more significant influence on the kind of games...

What is the Best Game Engine in 2022?

As game engines become more advanced, game developers can now create stunning visuals and immersive gameplay experiences. Therefore, choosing the right game development framework...

15 of the Best Adventure Switch Games in 2022

There are more than 4000 titles in the Nintendo Switch game library, some from major studios, others from indie developer companies which occupy a...

Apex Legends Valkyrie Quotes

Kairi Imahara, a.k.a. Valkyrie, is a character that directly ties Apex Legends to the rest of the Titanfall universe. The daughter of Viper, legendary...

Best Mortal Kombat 11 Sonya Blade Quotes

Sonya Blade is a very interesting character. She has gone through a lot of changes in the past. For example, she was originally supposed...

Know-Your-Player Identification: Preventing Minor Exploitations

A new trend among youngsters is online gaming, which has hyped up in tune with the peak of the coronavirus pandemic. The video gaming...

MLB the Show 21: Stadium Creator Utopia!

This stadium creator feature in MLB the Show 21 has everyone in the community talking! We were certainly excited to see this too and...

Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning: Best Abilities

Among other noticeable and cherished traits that make it stand out among the crowd of RPGs, Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning boasts a plethora of...

Best Mortal Kombat 11 Jax Briggs Quotes

Introduced in Mortal Kombat 2, Jax Briggs has been a staple character of the popular fighting game series. Lore-wise, he’s both tussled and rubbed...